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To select the language goto the Option Preference and select the desired language. If the language of desired is not there then you can create your own locale language by editing the AirMail.ct file and do the language translation youself.

You will need to quit Air Mail if you are changing languages.

Creating a Air Mail catalog

After you have successufly translated the AirMail.ct file you can do the following: It is recommended that you make a backup copy of AirMail.ct in case you need to reference the file.

  • 1. Send the translated file to Toysoft Development Inc. so that we can create the catalog and then send you the new AirMail.catalog.
  • 2. Create the AirMail.catalog yourself using CatComp program. To do that you will need to do:
  • 1>catcomp AirMail.cd language.ct catalog AirMail.catalog

    AirMail.cd - is the complete Air Mail descriptor. Do not chanage this. language.ct - is your translated file. Name the file to the language eg: english.ct catalog - is the keyword telling CatComp to create a catalog file. AirMail.catalog - is the name of the catalog to create and it must be name AirMail.catalog

    Don't worry about the warning messages that CatComp reports. Once you have successfully created the AirMail.catalog you will need to create a directory and copy AirMail.catalog there.

    1>makedir LOCALE:catalogs/language_name
    1>copy AirMail.catalog LOCALE:catalogs/language_name

    language_name is the language you have translated eg: english

    Make sure that the directory and the catalog file name in the catalog.ct is the same. eg:
    ## language italian

    the directory name should be called: italian and not Italian

    Finally run Air Mail and goto the Option Preference and select the language.

    Last Updated May 25, 1997
    HTML Docs by Danny Y. Wong & Frank L. Wong
    Copyright © 1996-97 Toysoft Development Inc.
    All rights reserved.